I couldn't tell you. You'll have to ask the folks who are in power at Chula Vista Educators. I've been trying for years to figure out why these people act the way they do.
I also couldn't tell you why the teachers at CVESD keep choosing union leaders who represent their interests so poorly.
Bargaining update #15, May 20, 2014 CVE: "District requesting impasse even though we feel there is room to negotiate and several issues still unresolved."
Chula Vista Educators, the teachers union in Chula Vista has posted the following on its website:
Results from the Strike Authorization are in. There were 920 legal votes cast. CVE, that is HUGE. Of those votes, 95% voted yes to authorize the CVE Executive Board to call a strike at a time it determines a strike is necessary. 93% voted yes to honor the picket line if the CVE Executive Board calls for a strike. Those 920 represent 81% of the total membership. CVE, the Executive Board is extremely proud of the stance you have taken. We will not be ignored. This district has been using us as a door mat for far too long. And we're not going to take it anymore!I personally think it's pathetic that CVE has allowed salary increases for teachers to lag behind other districts. But it makes sense when you realize that the officers of CVE, led by Jim Groth and Peg Myers for most of the past decade, seem to have traded off the well-being of teachers and students for advancement in their personal careers. Recent CVE President Peg Myers is now an administrator with the district--in the human resources department!
Also, CVE has wasted a lot of bargaining capital in its fight to prevent the district from requiring that teachers teach the basic concepts outlined in Common Core standards.
If the teachers don't want to do their jobs, then it makes sense that they would be paid less.
See all posts re Chula Vista Educators.
Recent bargaining sessions were scheduled for these dates:
Feb. 4, 2014
February 27 (CVE)
March 12(CVESD)
April 16, 2014 (CVE)
May 1, 2014(CVESD)
May 15, 2014 (CVE)
CVE representatives
Mary Ellen Berumen
Michelle Harms
Vanessa Braito
Liz Hutson
Barbara Dunwoodie
Carla Kriss
Chris Fite
District representatives
Gloria Ciriza
Oscar Esquivel
Sandra Villegas-Zúñiga
Peter Fagen
John Nelson
Ernesto Villanueva
See April 16, 2014 Bargaining Update #13