Monica Sorenson
Monica Sorenson has suddenly left her job as principal of Chula Vista Hills Elementary to go to Del Mar. Charlie Padilla also left his job as principal of Tiffany Elementary in the middle of the 2010-2011 school year.
Charlie Padilla
Two of the three new principals at Chula Vista Elementary School District are political players. They have both shown loyalty to the longtime board majority.
You might be surprised that one of them, Monica Sorenson, is described as a "union leader," but that doesn't really mean much unless you think that CVESD school officials and CVE union leaders don't play footsie behind closed doors.
Richard Hanks is the former husband of former CVESD superintendent Libia Gil.
Chula Vista district has new principals
By Chris Moran,
San Diego Union-Tribune Staff Writer
June 18, 2009
Three new principals have recently been
appointed to run campuses in the Chula
Vista Elementary School District.
Richard Hanks, who had been
principal at Palmer Way Elementary
School in National City, will lead
Hedenkamp Elementary in eastern
Chula Vista.
Monica Sorenson, who had been a
teachers union leader in the district,
will serve as principal of Chula Vista Hills
Del Merlan, an educator from Central
California, has been appointed principal
of Casillas Elementary. Five associate
principals also were promoted to
The school year begins July 27.
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